Monday 21 December 2020

11th Mike Closs Memorial Tournament

The 11th Mike Closs Memorial Tournament continued the long-running series of events in fine style.

I didn't want to miss a year in the roll of honour of this series, which meant an enforced switch to an online event. This did have some advantages, especially regarding the people I could invite who would not normally be able to attend.

Indeed, thanks to the very welcome participation of Kineke Mulder, it was our first international tournament of the series.

For 2011, I wanted:

A fun celebratory event, continuing the series I set up to honour my late friend, Mike Closs.

A welcome distraction from the strange events of 2020.

Time spent with friends.

The players were an excellent group of my former juniors, work colleagues, teammates and fellow CSC tutors. Most of all, they are all very loyal friends of mine. All have helped me considerably over the course of many years (many decades, in some cases).

David Baillie

Nevil Chan

Dave Edmunds

John Garnett

David Hardy

Peter Harker 

Richard Harris

Matt Jackman

Kineke Mulder

Mike Pointon

Royce Parker

IM Richard Palliser

Kevin Waterman

Some of the players were keen to show off their marvellous festive livery and, in some cases, their secret preparation.

Mr Hardy sporting Manchester's
finest jumper since Bert Trautmann

Mike had a little helper!

A relaxed and ready Nevil

Dave Edmunds in full festive mode

Royce is all ears - and other usual openings

Kevin is clearly ready for the Caro-Kann

Peter and jumper, with matching beards

Richard almost stole the show - his lights up!

The players contested a five-round Swiss tournament and the games were very lively.

Here are screenshots from each of the five rounds (click on an image if you need it enlarged).

International Master Richard Palliser is the new champion! Richard drew with Matt Jackman in the second round. Matt drew with Dave Edmunds later on, allowing Richard to seize victory.

Final Standings


IM Richard Palliser, 4.5/5


Matt Jackman, 4/5


Nevil Chan, 3.5/5

3/5: Dave Baillie, Dave Edmunds and David Hardy

2.5/5: John Garnett 

2/5: Peter Harker, Richard Harris, Royce Parker and Mike Pointon

1.5/5: Kineke Mulder, Kevin Waterman

Thank you, everyone!

It is clear to see that this was the strongest event in the series.

Dave Baillie and I are the only people to have attended all eleven tournaments. Dave has played in all of them; I sometimes play but prefer to watch. Last night I imagined Mike Closs and I were watching and enjoying the games together, just like we always used to. He would have enjoyed the feast of fun and chess.

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