Wednesday 31 October 2018

October Gigs, Part Two: Dawn Landes

Dawn Landes
The Basement, York
A new singer and a new venue; a rare double for me.

The Basement is an intriguing venue, situated directly beneath the City Screen Picturehouse cinema. With a seated capacity of 100 it is a venue for serious music fans, which suited me just fine.

I spoke with a couple of regulars who were seated next to me. They know their music well and we shared a lot of information on singers and venues. We had all seen Eilen Jewell earlier in the year (albeit in different venues) and it was just as we were talking that I noticed a friend from the Manchester Eilen gig. Very nice people!

Support came in the form of JF Robitaille and Lail Arad, who played a very interesting set.

Dawn Landes was touring her new album, Meet Me at the River and the set list on a considerable of the new songs. Indeed, the evening opened with the excellent title track.

There was still plenty of room for songs from other albums, such as Bluebird, and a few covers found their way in too, including Dolly Parton's Longer Than Always and Jimmie Driftwood's powerful What is the Color of the Soul of a Man?

Verdict: Top show; great venue.


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