Wednesday 31 October 2018

October Gigs, Part Three: Dr Feelgood, Heather Peace

Dr Feelgood
Georgian Theatre, Stockton-on-Tees
It has been a while since I last saw Dr Feelgood. On that occasion, a disappointingly sparse audience rattled around the Middlesbrough Theatre. I don't know why there weren't more people there but I do recall it being a trend at the time.

This time the Teesside locals were out in force in a packed Georgian Theatre. Given the name, the band had apparently been expecting a gentile, all-seated venue and they were very pleasantly surprised to see the most vibrant of Stockton's intimate venues provide an all-singing, all-dancing crowd. Despite being lively, the crowd was very well behaved (apart from the occasional drunk, there rarely is at the Georgian Theatre).

The evening had started well enough with local punk band Johnny Seven warming everyone up in frantic and loud fashion. After 40 years they have finally put out an album!

Dr Feelgood are never likely to disappoint. Yes, there are no longer any of the original members in the band, but their ability to put on an evening of good old British rhythm and blues is never in question.

The tempo started off high and dropped very occasionally for a slower number or two, before reigniting to burn as brightly as ever.

The sing-a-along hits were all present and correct: Roxette, Milk and Alcohol, All Through the City, Going Back Home...there was even a pulsating encore of Route 66.

Who wouldn't feel good after such an evening?

Heather Peace
Arc, Stockton-on-Tees
Another new act for me, as I came towards the end of a gig-packed October.

I expected Arc to packed to the rafters but there were plenty of seats left unfilled, for some reason.

The support from Samantha Durnan was very good and I recognised key personnel from Serinette.

Heather Peace gave a passionate performance that was well-received by the audience. The only blot on the evening's entertainment was the string of people in the balcony area who insisted on talking throughout the evening (a growing problem at gigs and cinemas, of course). Why do they bother coming out?


Anyway, I would definitely like to see Heather Peace again next time she is town.

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