Monday 28 May 2018

Project 30: 9th Mike Closs Memorial Tournament

Project 30 continues with another important event scheduled for the weekend.

The 9th Mike Closs Memorial Tournament will continue the successful series of events created in memory of my great friend and chess colleague who tragically passed away in 2010.

We will be posting several blogs this week as we head towards this year's tournament.

Happier times; on our way to a meal out in Saltburn, 2009.
The first tournament, back in 2010, was played at the now-defunct La Fez in Marske, where we were very well looked after by Sebastian.

Sebastian in La Fez, 2010
In a remarkable coincidence, Sebastian was also behind the wheel of the taxi I had to take because of a cancelled train (due to 'lack of staff'!?) last Friday (I couldn't risk being late for my date with Evita).

Sebastian, in the taxi, 2018
This curious piece of synchronicity is a good place to start our coverage of the 9th Memorial Tournament.

More tomorrow...

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