Sunday 29 April 2018

Project 30: Rapidplay Match Championship Complete

The Project 30: Rapidplay Match Championship has now concluded.

The six game final was contested between Matt Jackman and myself.

I seem to have spent most of the last couple of months playing Matt at chess. We met in the semi-final of the KO Championship and also in the decisive game of the Celebratory Tournament.

Our Rapidplay Final was played at the rate of two games per session. Every game was very tough and featured uncompromising chess from start to finish.

Session One

Game 1: I won the exchange but at the cost of letting Matt's knights run rampant over my position. In mutual time trouble Matt won my queen - and the game.

Game 2: An early win of a pawn gave me the advantage which I carried to the endgame, giving me a victory to equalise the match.

Session Two

Game 3: A tactic netted me a pawn and another followed, leading to a winning endgame.

Game 4: Early aggression from Matt didn't have the desired effect and I managed to go 3-1 ahead.

Session Three

Game 5: Matt fell under pressure in a heavy piece ending. I swapped my queen for his two rooks and this eventually secured the victory.

Game 6: Matt smashed me up with a fine attack.

Final Score SM 4, MJ 2

I felt the power of Matts plans and moves throughout the match (and in the other two tournament games we played). I stand by my earlier prediction that he will become Teesside's No. 1 player if he keeps working hard and improving.

Meanwhile, the index of reports for the Project 30: Chess for Life event can be found here.

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