Monday 3 January 2011

The Pick of 2010: Chess Books

Having once again reviewed chess books from a large number of publishers over the course of another full year, I thought I'd pick out my personal favourites from 2010.

In no particular order (click on the titles to read my original reviews):

An Anthology
1984 - 2009
Edited by FM Steve Giddins
398 pages
New in Chess

Revolutionize Your Chess

By GM Viktor Moskalenko

350 pages

New in Chess

Winning With White Vol. 1
By IM Jonathan Hilton and NM Dean Ippolito
408 pages
Mongoose Press

2nd World Chess Champion
By Isaak and Vladimir Linder
264 pages
Russell Enterprises

My Games With The World Champions
By GM Yasser Seirawan
427 pages
Everyman Chess

Kasparov vs Karpov
By GM Garry Kasparov
432 pages
Everyman Chess

The 1963 World Chess Championship Match

By GM Mikhail Botvinnik

144 pages

New in Chess

Revised and Expanded Edition
By GM Jacob Aagaard
320 pages
Quality Chess

By GM Jacob Aagaard
461 pages
Quality Chess

The KGB Plays Chess

The Soviet Secret Police and the
Fight for the World Chess Crown
By Boris Gulko, Vadimir Popov,
Yuri Felshtinsky and Viktor Kortschnoi
176 pages
Russell Enterprises

1 d4 Part 2
By GM Boris Avrukh
616 pages
Quality Chess

Volume 2
By GM John Nunn
352 pages
Gambit Publications

The first of my 2011 reviews will appear here very soon.

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