Dimensions 2010
Holiday Inn, Seaton Burn, Newcastle
'Dimensions' is the annual North East Doctor Who convention, organised by 10th Planet. It was as enjoyable as ever. Here's the first of a two-part pictorial report.

A fairly typical bar scene for a Doctor Who convention. These guys were clearly hogging the best seats.

Fantastic masks!

There were plenty of Daleks around.

All of the guest panels were interesting. This one features a whole host of writers, directors, actors and other personalities from the world of Big Finish.

Nick Briggs - a man of many talents.

David Richardson - always happy to sell a CD or two to convention folk.

Lisa Bowerman - or Professor Bernice Summerfield, as she is sometimes known.

Jake McGann - son of Paul.

Rob Shearman - award winning writer.

Two more writers were on the next panel. Keith Temple (above) wrote 'Planet of the Ood'.

Andrew Smith, who wrote 'Full Circle'.

A Clockwork man and an Ood.
'Make sure you get my good side', Davros told me. I'm not sure if I did or not.

Skaro's most famous inhabitants invaded the cafe.

A terrifying scarecrow.

Mr Pig Man insisted on a close-up.

Nicola Bryant and Nev Fountain treated us to humorous readings from Nev's new Mervyn Stone books.

Charlie Ross made an excellent interviewer.

Paul McGann was very relaxed and on great form.

...and that's the end of the first day. Tune in tomorrow for the report from day two.
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