Wednesday 2 June 2010

FM Jack Yoos v The Rest of the World

I have received news of an interesting new chess challenge, which is open to all players.

Here's the basic details:

Dear Chess Friends,

As part of the revamped Seirawan Chess web site, starting today - June 1, 2010, FM Jack Yoos, one of the top s-chess players in Canada, will be taking on the World.

Anyone familiar with the "Kasparov vs. the World" game will know how this works. Jack will play White. The World will play Black. Anyone who wishes, votes on the move to be played for the World (only one vote per player, please!), and the move with the most votes will be played.

Since this is s-chess, the "Kasparov vs. the World" model won't be followed precisely. There will be no "coaches" to suggest moves (use your brains instead), and there will be no lists of candidate moves (vote according to your best instincts). Power to the People - this game will be democracy in action.

The schedule will be roughly one move for each side each week. Jack's move will be posted on Sunday evening. Voters will have until the following Saturday to send in their vote. The votes will be tabulated and then Jack will respond.

If the World's move is obvious and/or forced, a week may see two moves played. If, in other weeks, Jack is indisposed, the game might be put on hold for one week. But we expect to play at the rate of one move per week. A timer will run on the web site to indicate the deadline for the next World move.

The participant whose moves are most often adopted as the "World move" will win a prize - a one hour on-line chess lesson with GM Yasser Seirawan [ me :) ].

This lesson may cover either chess or s-chess (or both).

Please forward this e-mail to any friends you have who might be interested in taking part in the unique experiment which will begin next week. People of course may join in the game at any time. With neither side able to consult opening books or computers, this will be truly be one player against...the World!

The web site URL is:

Good luck,

GM Yasser Seirawan
FM Bruce Harper
Inventors of Seirawan Chess

Long-term readers may recall a similar kind of game we had a couple of years ago:

Jonathan 'The Hawk' Hawkins won the game, which attracted considerable attention at the time. He went on to become an International Master

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