Saturday 10 April 2010

Return to Eden 2: A Pictorial Report

Return to Eden 2
Manchester Apollo

Another opportunity to see Ultravox! It was a chance that had to be taken. I booked a ticket as soon as possible and had been looking forward to the show ever since.

The Apollo is easy enough to get to, even though it is a little way from the main centre. Buses are very frequent (no. 192) and it's hard to avoid seeing taxis around Piccadilly Station. The distance is also a fairly easy one to walk, if one is so inclined.

Queueing at the start of the evening

The support act was Arno Carstens, who
played an intense, darkly acoustic set.

Read more about him here:

Ultravox took to the stage at 8.30 p.m.
They opened with one of the most missed songs
of the last tour - New Europeans.
It was just the start of an unforgettable evening.

Chris Cross and Midge Ure

Warren Cann and Billy Currie

Hit it, Midge!

Full band, full flow

The set list had been expanded from last year's tour, with three additions (picked out in bold, below). The only casualty was 'Your Name (Has Slipped My Mind Again)'.

New Europeans
Passing Strangers
We Stand Alone
Mr. X
Visions In Blue
Thin Wall
I Remember (Death In The Afternoon)
Rage in Eden
One Small Day
All Stood Still
White China
Reap The Wild Wind
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes


Love's Great Adventure
The Voice

Astradyne is probably still the best choice for an opener, but I suspect that placing the instrumental towards the middle of the running order was partly designed to give Midge's voice a rest.

I thought the band was a tighter unit
than last year, which should be no surprise.
The tour has really polished their collective skills.

Warren takes a turn on vocals

Midge's voice was powerful; as good as I've heard it

The stage was generally dark, with frequent smoke effects

The sight of Billy emerging from his keyboards, viola in hand,
always brought a cheer from the audience

Chris Cross stayed mainly in the shadows and smoke but I
was able to get a couple of shots when the light fell right

Billy leading the way towards more audience participation
Not that much encouragement was needed - everyone was
on their feet from the second song onwards

Last time, the bass tended to be dwarfed by most other things.
This time we could hear it - and the backing vocals - much better.

Midge was the first to pick up the drum sticks at the
end of The Voice for the lead-in to the finale

Everyone is drumming!

10.30 p.m. - that's all folks - but what does the future hold?

The view from the bus stop across the road!

Everyone seemed very happy with the way the show had gone. Will the quartet return? Let's hope so. I'm sure they enjoyed the evening as much as we did.

For my review of last year's show, see here:

For all things Ultravox, make sure this site is added to your favourites:

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pics as always, but these are particularly excellent!
    Wish I had been there, sounds like a fantastic time was had by all.


Comments? Please keep it clean!