Sunday 11 April 2010

Imperial War Museum North

I visited the Imperial War Museum in London in 2009 and was pleased to have enough time to see the Manchester-based North version last week.

There was a special exhibition of pictures by Don McCullin, marking the 75th year of the acclaimed photographer.

Here's a few snaps of the museums artefacts to give a flavour of what is in store for visitors.

The Soviet T 34 - a very important tank

I used to read these a long time ago

Not many people made a mug out of Monty

Those were the days - when magazines
didn't airbrush their cover pics

Everything seems to be going up - I blame inflation

Can you see what it is yet? Or rather - which dictator it depicts

A guarantee of peace in Europe from 1919 onwards

It all sounded so promising, with a shilling and a return by Christmas to boot

The bell of The Lusitania, sunk in 1915

Good question

The Hawker Harrier - still a very impressive sight

For further details of the Imperial War Museum North, pop along to:

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