Wednesday 26 January 2022

The Ali Ghiassi Memorial Junior Chess Tournament

The Ali Ghiassi Memorial Junior Chess Tournament 

Sponsored by Marguerita Evans in memory of her son Ali Ghiassi 

Date: Saturday 19 February 2022 

Time: 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. 

Venue: Sports Hall, John Leggott College, West Common Lane, Scunthorpe, DN17 1DS 

Tournament Format: Five-round Swiss

Ali Ghiassi
'Ali started playing at a chess club in London at six years old but it wasn't until he moved to Scunthorpe that he started playing competitively. Ali continued to play chess throughout his life and he would have been so pleased to think that through this tournament young players are being encouraged to participate playing chess into the future. '

General Information

Entry Fee: £2.00 per player (cheques payable to ‘Joanne Hutchinson’). Closing date for entries: Wednesday 16 February 2022

Prizes include trophies, medals and certificates. Sections may be combined, depending on the number of entries.

We cannot offer full supervision outside of the playing hall and children must be accompanied by an adult throughout the day. Basic refreshments will be available on the day but please bring a packed lunch.

ECF Arbiter Jo Hutchinson is the tournament organizer and controller. The controller's decision, in all matters regarding the tournament, is final. All enquiries to:

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