Saturday 3 April 2021

Blank Canvas

What do you want from life?

Are you still dreaming of the illusive larger pay-packet, the bigger house and the faster car?

All these decades in…is it still possible to see those dreams come to fruition?

Or could it possibly be that each and every one of us who is still surviving the extraordinary challenges of these terrible times has an unforeseen opportunity to change in ways which would have seemed impossible one year ago?

Everyone has been forced to change. Some changes have been for the better; some for the worse. Maybe you have felt thoroughly disorganised, or even worthless. Perhaps you have felt anger rising at unexpected moments, or become surprisingly emotional over the smallest of matters. Do you hide your tears? Can you still bring the Black Dog to heel?

Do not underestimate how well you have done. So many people weren’t able to make it this far at all.

What do you want from life?

You can make it anything you would like it to be.

Imagine if you had been away for a year or more. When you return to your usual situation, you will have changed. The people you know will all have changed too. Some former friends will have moved on; others will become more prominent in your life.

This is the situation we are all going to be in if we can eventually emerge at the other side of this emergency.

There is an unexpected blank canvas in front of all of us. Time to assess what is really important; time to let go of a plethora of things which are important no more.

In the words of Paul Cezanne: ‘It's so fine and yet so terrible to stand in front of a blank canvas.’

Remove the terror and bring plenty of paint.

The sooner we start, the better it will be. I need to be a better version of me. Much better.

Time is against all of us; tomorrow is never promised.

What do you want from life?

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