Tuesday 9 February 2021

Project 30: January-April 2021

Project 30 hit the ground running at the start of 2021 with four new events.

Project 30 KO Championship 2021

Round One Results

Matt Jackman 1-0 Royce Parker

Dave Baillie 1-0 Dave Edmunds

Richard Harris 0-1 Peter Harker

Mike Pointon 1-0 Kevin Waterman

Sean Cassidy 0-1 Andrew Smith

Rayelynn Posadas 1-0 Graham Edwards

Paul Weightman 1-0 Bye

John Garnett 1-0 Bye

Round Two

John Garnett - Andrew Smith

Matt Jackman - Paul Weightman

Rayelynn Posadas 1-0 Peter Harker

Mike Pointon - Dave Baillie

Project 30 Rapidplay Match Championship

Round One Results

Matt Jackman 2-0 Kevin Waterman

Dave Baillie 1.5-0.5 Peter Harker

Richard Harris 2-0 Mike Pointon

Royce Parker 1-1 Andrew Smith (Andrew won the Blitz play-off, 2-0)

John Garnett 1-1 Rayelynn Posadas (Rayelynn won the Blitz play-off, 2-0)

Dave Edmunds 2-0 Paul Weightman

Sean Cassidy 2-0 Bye

Graham Edwards 2-0 Bye

Round Two

Dave Edmunds - Andrew Smith

Rayelynn Posadas - Matt Jackman 

Dave Baillie - Sean Cassidy

Graham Edwards - Richard Harris

Players eliminated from he first rounds of the above tournaments were invited to participate in the following all-play-all events.

All-play-all Capablanca Tournament

Kevin Waterman

John Garnett

Peter Harker

Mike Pointon

Royce Parker

Paul Weightman

All-play-all Alekhine Tournament

Kevin Waterman

Richard Harris

Royce Parker

Graham Edwards

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