Sunday 15 November 2020

Project 30 Match Update

The big Project 30 match has been decided, with Team Two crossing the finishing line as victors, thanks to excellent wins from Peter Parker.

One fixture remains, but it cannot change the standings.

Remaining Fixture

Paul Weightman - Kevin Waterman


Mike Pointon 1-1 Matt Jackman
Mike Pointon 1-1 Sean Marsh
Mike Pointon 0-2 Peter Harker
Mike Pointon 2-0 Graham Edwards
Mike Pointon 1-1 Royce Parker
Mike Pointon 1-1 Kevin Waterman

John Garnett 0.5-1.5 Matt Jackman
John Garnett 0-2 Sean Marsh
John Garnett 2-0 Peter Harker
John Garnett 2-0 Royce Parker
John Garnett 2-0 Graham Edwards
John Garnett 1.5-0.5 Kevin Waterman

David Baillie 0.5-1.5 Matt Jackman
David Baillie 1-1 Sean Marsh
David Baillie 1.5-0.5 Royce Parker
David Baillie 2-0 Kevin Waterman
David Baillie 2-0 Peter Harker
David Baillie 1.5-0.5 Graham Edwards

Richard Harris 0-2 Matt Jackman
Richard Harris 2-0 Peter Harker
Richard Harris 1-1 Royce Parker
Richard Harris 1.5-0.5 Kevin Waterman
Richard Harris 0-2 Sean Marsh
Richard Harris 1-1 Graham Edwards

Paul Weightman 0.5-1.5 Matt Jackman
Paul Weightman 2-0 Graham Edwards
Paul Weightman 0-2 Sean Marsh
Paul Weightman 0.5-1.5 Royce Parker
Paul Weightman 0-2 Peter Harker

Sean Cassidy 0-2 Sean Marsh
Sean Cassidy 0-2 Matt Jackman
Sean Cassidy 0-2 Royce Parker
Sean Cassidy 0-2 Kevin Waterman
Sean Cassidy 0-2 Graham Edwards
Sean Cassidy 1-1 Peter Harker

Team One 32, Team Two 38

Players who have completed their fixtures are given with their final scores.

Team One
John Garnett 8/12
David Baillie 8.5/12
Richard Harris 5.5/12
Mike Pointon 6/12
Sean Cassidy 1/12
Paul Weightman

Team Two
Sean Marsh 10/12
Matt Jackman 9.5/12
Graham Edwards 3.5/12
Royce Parker 6/12
Peter Harker 5/12
Kevin Waterman

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