Wednesday 19 August 2020

Project 30: Online Match

Following on from the successful Zoom quiz, Project 30 broke new ground again last night with its first-ever online match.

The Project 30 players were split into too well-balanced teams and Paul Weightman set up the match on

The players practiced social distancing by staying in their own homes.

Captains Richard Harris and Royce Parker sorted out the board orders and we played two rounds of Rapidplay chess.

Richard's team took a big lead from the first leg and even though Royce's team fought back valiantly in the second leg it wasn't quite enough to hold the match.

Captain Royce

Richard's team won, 6-5!

Man of the Match!

Mike Pointon won both of his games, clinching the match win for his team.

The match was a success and a rematch will happen soon.

Then we will look towards setting up some new events for Project 30 if the emergency continues to keep us away from our chess clubs.

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