Sunday 28 July 2019

Summertyne Americana Festival 2019 (1): A Bridge Too Far

It certainly wasn’t my intention to start the Summertyne Americana Festival smelling of kittiwake droppings, but that’s just the way it goes sometimes.

There now follows a cautionary tale for all those in the area.

On my way to The Sage I decided to seek shelter from a sudden deluge of rain and chose the underneath of the Tyne Bridge for the purpose.

Unfortunately, the intense rain dislodged some of the aforementioned droppings, converting them to a fine spray, after which gravity forced it all downwards, as is its wont.

Once I discovered the problem I had to walk into the deluge to clear it all off again.

Fortunately, upon arrival at The Sage, my excellent friend and top music aficionado, Helen Mitchell, kindly delved into her voluminous bag and brought out two sprays, which masked any lingering...doubts about the situation, at considerable cost to the ozone layer.

Tread warily, dear readers, and stay a-wake to the feathery hazard.

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