Monday 28 January 2019

Project 30: Round 2 Updates

The second rounds of both competitions are now almost complete and here are the results to date.

KO Championship
Round 2

Paul Weightman 0-1 Sean Marsh 

(In a first for Project 30, this game was broadcast 'live' on the Internet thanks to Paul's hardware and skill.)

John Garnett 1-0 Richard Harris
(An interesting and unbalanced game was brought to a premature end due to an unfortunate oversight.)

Mike Creaney 0-1 Rayelynn Posadas 
(A devastating kingside attack ended Mike's resistance.)

David Baillie 0-1 Matt Jackman
(I watched this fascinating encounter 'live' at The Buffs. Matt's kingside attack decided a tough contest.)

Rapidplay Match Championship
Round 2

Rayelynn Posadas - Peter Harker

Sean Marsh 3-0 Sean Cassidy
(We still have one game to play. Sean C. should have won game 2 but severe mutual time-trouble randomised the position in my favour.)

Mike Pointon 1-3 David Baillie
(Two draws and two wins saw Redcar's top player advance to the semi-finals.)

Mike Creaney 0-4 Matt Jackman 
(Matt on top form is virtually unstoppable. He will be a very difficult opponent for anyone in the semi-finals.)

All games in both events should be completed by the end of February 2019.

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