Wednesday 7 November 2018

Project 30 Tournament Update

Project 30 Tournament Results

The updated results can be seen below.

The draw for the respective second rounds will follow soon!

KO Championship
Round 1

Paul Weightman 1-0 Sean Cassidy (after two draws)

Graham Edwards v Richard Harris

Peter Harker 0-1 Mike Creaney 1-0 

Rayelynn Posadas 1-0 Kevin Waterman

Mike Pointon 0-1 John Garnett

Brian Whitaker 0-1 David Baillie

Royce Parker 0-1 Sean Marsh

Matt Jackman 1-0 Bye

Rapidplay Match Championship
Round 1

Graham Edwards 0-2 Sean Marsh

Royce Parker 0-2 Mike Pointon

Peter Harker v Richard Harris

David Baillie 2-0 John Garnett

Bernie Price v Rayelynn Posadas

Kevin Waterman v Mike Creaney

Sean Cassidy 2-0 Paul Weightman

Matt Jackman 2-0 Bye

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