Sunday 14 June 2015

CSC Teesside: Special Events (1)

CSC Teesside: Special Events (1)

As we head towards the end of another school year (my 27th of teaching chess in schools) we like to run a few special events to ensure the term finishes on a high.

One such event saw over 60 Year 4 players contest the inaugural Wheatlands Primary School KO Championship.

The tournament was made slightly more complicated by a number of children heading off to compete in a triathlon elsewhere, so we ran a smaller KO section for them before they set off, with the plan of playing the triathlon champion against the champion of the main section in a special finale.

Triathlon KO Championship
Round 1

Thomas Scott 1-0 Libby Sherrington

Nina Sumpton 0-1 Isobelle Troop

Greg Beevis 1-0 Ryan Palmer

Daniel Palmer 0-1 Adam Makepeace

Extra Round 1 game to produce required KO number

Grace Burniston 0-1 Adam Makepeace


Adam Makepeace 1-0 Greg Beevis

Isobelle Troop 1-0 Thomas Scott

Triathlon Final

Adam Makepeace 1-0 Isobelle Troop

Triathlon Champion: Adam Makepeace

Main KO Championship
Round 1

Lottie Sharp 0-1 Mia Brennan

Poppy Brown 0-1 Isobel Parker

Anais Jenkins 0-1 Morgan Varah

Olivia Scrafton 1-0 Lola Lyon

Jake Brunskill 0-1 Harvey Unthank

Libby Mackay 1-0 Matthew Austin

Molly Clarkson 0-1 Sophie Webster

Jessica Bennett 1-0 Jessica Phillips

Kian Tennant 1-0 Daisy Parkinson

Harvey Flounders 1-0 Phoebe Welsh

Elle Lambert 1-0 Lilly Addison

Emily Burniston 0-1 Erin Henderson

Joseph Merriott 0-1 Matthew Hansom

Phoebe Jackson 0-1 Jessica Hunter

Hannah Colvin 0-1 Lydia Morgan

Alexander Robinson 1-0 Aimee-Lee Cummings

Brandon Manson 0-1 Lewis Winter

Billy McLean 1-0 Craig Dryden

Molly Drake 0-1 Chloe Hillyard*

Matthew McGowan 1-0 Charlie Allen

Ruby Taylor 0-1 Millie Turner

Amy Perdomo 0-1 Benjamin Smith

Joshua Smith 1-0 Hollie Allen

Olivia Round 0-1 Ella Baxtrem

Byes (required to produce an ideal KO number for the next round)

Thomas Brain

Lillie Thompson

Ruby Lambton

Round 2

Olivia Scrafton 0-1 Lillie Thompson

Kian Tennant 1-0 Matthew McGowan

Erin Henderson 0-1 Chloe Hillyard

Libby Mackay 0-1 Joshua Smith

Ruby Lambton 0-1 Morgan Varah

Harvey Unthank 1-0 Millie Turner

Alex Robinson 0-1 Billy McLean

Thomas Brain 0-1 Harvey Flounders

Mia Brennan 0-1 Ella Baxtrem

Jessica Hunter 0-1 Lewis Winter

Sophie Webster 1-0 Isobel Parker


Jessica Bennett

Matthew Hansom

Lydia Morgan

Benjamin Smith

Elle Lambert

Round 3

Lillie Thompson 1-0 Jessica Bennett**

Kian Tennant 0-1 Matthew Hansom*

Chloe Hillyard 0-1 Lydia Morgan*

Joshua Smith 1-0 Morgan Varah

Harvey Unthank 1-0 Billy McLean*

Harvey Flounders 0-1 Benjamin Smith

Ella Baxtrem 1-0 Elle Lambert**

Lewis Winter 1-0 Sophie Webster


Lillie Thompson 0-1 Matthew Hansom

Lydia Morgan 0-1 Joshua Smith*

Harvey Unthank 0-1 Benjamin Smith

Ella Baxtrem 0-1 Lewis Winter


Lewis Winter 0-1 Benjamin Smith

Matthew Hansom 1-0 Joshua Smith


Benjamin Smith 1-0 Matthew Hansom 

KO Champion: Benjamin Smith

*After a replay; first game drawn

**After two replays; first two games drawn

Big Finale
KO Champion vs. Triathlon KO Champion

Benjamin Smith 0-1 Adam Makepeace

Champion of Champions: Adam Makepeace

Here are a few photographs from the very busy and extremely enjoyable event...

...and this very sporting handshake, spontaneously offered by the losing finalist of the main event, perfectly sums up the highly competitive yet refreshingly sporting ethos that prevailed throughout the whole event.

Congratulations to all Wheatlands chess players!

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