Wednesday 24 September 2014

Dreamboats and Miniskirts

Dreamboats and Miniskirts
Civic Theatre, Darlington
Having seen Dreamboats and Petticoats at the Civic Theatre a year ago, it seemed natural to head back to catch up with the characters in the sequel, Dreamboats and Miniskirts.

The plot is thin but that doesn't matter much, as the hits from the 1960s come thick and fast - all played and sung live by the hard working cast. Some of the ground covered is similar to that of Cilla, the current ITV series featuring the music and times of the same era (the early 1960s). Even The Beatles make an appearance.

It's all easy going stuff, with an inevitable happy ending. The trick is just to sit back, accept the undemanding nature of the plot and simply enjoy the whole crazy scene.

If you liked Dreamboats and Petticoats this sequel is a must.
The tour stretches into 2015

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