Friday 2 May 2014

Bridie Jackson And The Arbour: ''New Skin'' Album Launch

Bridie Jackson and The Arbour
The Old Town Hall, Gateshead
With a fine selection of excellent new songs, augmented by prime cuts from their impressive back catalogue and a sprinkling of surprising covers, Bridie Jackson and The Arbour put on a simply wonderful show at their album launch last weekend.
From the final piece of tuning to the last notes of the encore, the whole evening shone with the special qualities that have taken Bridie and The Arbour on their amazing and highly successful musical journey.

The Old Town Hall (Gateshead) has recently been acquired by The Sage as an extra venue for shows. It's an intimate venue and it was packed to the rafters (they had to open the small balcony because all of the regular tickets sold out completely). 

The lighting (which may - or may not - have been borrowed from another headline act, due to appear not a million miles away from the Old Town Hall) in conjunction with the highly effective dry ice produced an extraordinary effect throughout the entire evening. The lighting was used to the maximum, presenting an ever-changing atmosphere, tailor made to enhance the feel and impact of each song.

Set List

New Skin
Fearless (Pink Floyd cover) 
Diminutive Man 
Sandgate Dandling Song (traditional) 
Cry Me A River (Justin Timberlake cover) 
Crying Beast 
All You Love Is All You Are 
Scarecrow (Louis Barabbas cover) 
We Talked Again 
One Winter Evening

A review of the whole of the New Skin album will follow next week. Suffice to say, the new songs are universally strong and will definitely not disappoint fans of their previous work.
Highlights...? Well, just read the set list again! ''All killer, no filler'', as they say. Incidentally, the cover of Pink Floyd's Fearless was as fabulous as it was unexpected; definitely a set list ''keeper''.
Frankly, Bridie Jackson and The Arbour have never sounded better. They have worked constantly over the last few years and it certainly shows. Bridie's voice is even more moving and powerful than ever and musically, the band just gets tighter, the playing even more accomplished.
The evening was an absolute triumph.  Bridie Jackson and The Arbour have created a unique sound and they thoroughly deserve their ongoing success.
I'm sure there's a lot more to come too, so stay tuned!

Follow the news and tour dates over at their official website.

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