Friday 18 April 2014

Sutton Hoo

40 years after being intrigued at school by the story of Sutton Hoo, I finally got around to visiting the site.

Here are a few snaps of the famous burial mounds of East Anglia and their surrounding features.
The iconic image of the Anglo-Saxon helmet marks the entrance to the site. It's an image seen repeatedly throughout the exhibition.
Tranmer House - formerly Sutton Hoo House - belonged to Edith Pretty, who instigated the exploration of the burial mounds. She donated the subsequently unearthed treasure to the British Museum, where most of the significant finds can still be seen. Tranmer House is now open to visitors.
Authentic burial mound!

A replica helmet, as found in the exhibition hall. It's well worth watching the 8-minute explanatory video, which sets up the exhibition very nicely.
A reproduction of the longboat found inside one of the mounds. Did the original really featured King Raedwald, or somebody else?

For further details regarding Sutton Hoo, head for the National Trust website.

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