Tuesday 8 April 2014

Goldfrapp At The Sage

The Sage, Gateshead
The Sage was packed to the rafters for Goldfrapp and the show certainly lived up to expectations.

The opening segment of David Bowie's narration of Peter and the Wolf preceded Goldfrapp's appearance. Having introduced the instruments and characters, Bowie said: ''Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin...'' and at that moment the band took to the stage, closely followed by Alison Goldfrapp.
As soon as the opening number, Jo, started up, it was clear we were in for a very special evening. The lighting was very effective, picking out the band members one by one as the music continued to build. Jo is a particularly good opener, with the insistent piano riff weaving itself into the bass line and creating a solid and consistent platform for the more ethereal aspects of the song.

Seven out of the 10 songs on their latest album - the superb Tales of Us - formed the backbone of the set list, but old favourites were not neglected. The performance built up strongly towards the finale and there were plenty of people dancing throughout Number 1, Ride a White Horse and a particularly powerful Train.
The four-song encore continued the run of crowd-pleasing hits, displaying Goldfrapp's mastery of several genres, from electronica, through other-worldly ballads to glam rock.

Set List

Yellow Halo
Little Bird
You Never Know
Number 1
Ride a White Horse


Lovely Head
Strict Machine

This will undoubtedly prove to be one of the shows of 2014.

Follow the Goldfrapp news and tour dates over at their official website.

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