Thursday 27 March 2014

The Riotous Brothers: The Tree

The Tree
The Riotous Brothers
A burst of guitar, a crash of the drums and The Riotous Brothers hit the ground running on Now More Than Ever, the pacy opener of their third album.

Featuring 10 original songs - with the writing duties shared by Mash Sonnet and Paul Long - The Tree embraces several offshoots from the solid trunk of the blues genre.

Track List

Now More Than Ever
Honey Not Vinegar
Me And You
Second Time Around
Something's Got To Change
Memory Of Our Love
Proving Too Hard
I Wanna Know

The first two songs sit firmly on the blues rock branch of the tree. The direction then shifts to the slower blues of Me And You, which is one of of the album's highlights. It's already doing well when special guest Paul Jones pitches in with a virtuoso performance on the harmonica, which takes it to another level altogether.

Other highlights include the smouldering Fever the melancholy, moving Something's Got To Change and the excellent Proving Too Hard, all six minutes and 10 seconds of it, which allows the musicianship plenty and time and space to really rock it out and shine.

With catchy guitar riffs well to the fore on each and every song, The Tree is a triumph that gets stronger with each listening.

Follow the news and tour dates over at The Riotous Brothers website.

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