Friday 15 November 2013

Bryan Ferry At The Sage

Bryan Ferry
The Sage, Gateshead

Bryan Ferry rocked The Sage last weekend with a fabulous two and a half hour show.

There wasn't a conventional support act. Instead, the Bryan Ferry Orchestra (who were responsible for the soundtrack to The Great Gatsby movie) took to the stage and played 20 minutes of material from their own repertoire, including jazz versions of Do The Strand and Avalon.

Bryan Ferry took to the stage the evening really kicked into top gear.

The sold-out Sage soon saw its audience rise to their feet as Bryan Ferry took us on a journey through his various musical eras, from slower numbers such as Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, classic covers including Jealous Guy and, of course, a spin through some of the finest moments from Roxy Music, such as Street Life, Love Is The Drug and Let's Stick Together.

We had jazz age art deco and we had Charleston-style dancers. It all added to the evening, creating a satisfying fusion of old and modern genres, spanning almost 100 years. Bryan Ferry even found time between posing and strutting to blast out a few tunes on his harmonica and to show his style on the keyboards on a couple of numbers.

It was a very memorable evening. Here's a few more photos to finish with, starting with the wonderful dancers.

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