Friday 11 January 2013

Dave Young Interview: Part 3

We now present the concluding part of our exclusive interview with Dave Young.

Parts 1 and 2 can be found here and here.

I know you've done some public readings and other events. Do you enjoy performing your work or is it an uncomfortable necessity? 

I do enjoy performing. Most people who come to listen are there because they are like-minded and interested. The intriguing aspect for me is comparing how an audience perceives the poem in relation to my rendition of it.
Photo © Dave Young
A writer needs a strong online presence. Where can readers find you? 

Readers can find me on my website, which I update on a regular basis. I encourage people, via Facebook, email and Twitter, to post comments and messages.

 Who are your literary inspirations? 

Of the modern poets Carol Ann Duffy (before she became poet laureate), Jo Shapcott are influential. I do reference influences in some of my poems. Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson, the first book I read from cover to cover in one sitting (see my poem, Growing Up) and when I was a teen, Bob Dylan (see my poem Young Skin parts 1, 2 and 3). I, like many, were awestruck by the way Dylan revolutionised the way language was used in song. This led me to the beat poets and Kerouac etc. I should also include Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath. Their relationship was destructive but creatively inspiring.

What can you reveal about your plans for 2013?

The travel blog as I mentioned earlier is on going. It has ideas and therefore legs. It just needs an injection of effort. Angelspit will also take me into 2013 and at my current rate should be completed on the website by April. I aim to do some more travelling and hopefully continue with my creative writing groups.

Photo © Dave Young

Dave Young, thank you very much! We will be back with you later in the year for another update. Meanwhile, please head for Dave's website to catch up with the Angelspit project.

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