Wednesday 12 December 2012

Covent Garden Entertainers

Covent Garden is a very entertaining place. If you find yourself in London, I recommend going there on a Sunday morning while the rest of the city sleeps (some of the shops don't open until 11.30 a.m.).

The market is well worth a look, but it's the eccentric jugglers and other street entertainers who never fail to impress.

The first one I saw last Sunday was a man who insisted on stripping off nearly everything before juggling with three knives as he wobbled around on a tall ladder.

Next up was a man who seemed to specialise in singing On the Street Where You Live amid a deserted outdoor cafe. The back of his T-shirt bore the legend: 'CDs £10'.

The next juggler started by balancing her ladder on her chin. Then she dragged four volunteers from the crowd to hold the ladder upright with ropes before running through a short gymnastic display. The act concluded with some upside down juggling.


There was even a man doing the old 'three cups' routine.

And here is a man who thinks he's a dog. Or is it a dog who thinks he's a man?

Maintaining the bizarre theme, it wasn't entirely clear how this silver man was holding himself up.

The whole experience was reminiscent of a visit to Avengerland, with John Steed and Mrs Peel investigating a lot of strange goings on featuring an incredible array of eccentric characters.

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