Monday 8 October 2012

Karine Polwart at The Arc

Karine Polwart
The Arc, Stockton

Scottish singer/songwriter Karine Polwart brought her tender, thoughtful folk songs to The Arc last week. Accompanied by her brother, Steven Polwart (guitars and vocals) and Inge Thomson (accordion, percussion, vocal) she played two excellent sets with a short break in between.

Songs from Traces, Karine's latest album, formed the backbone of the repertoire with Cover Your Eyes, Strange News and Salter's Road proving particular highlights.

The songs consistently drew me in with their poignant stories and bittersweet reflections. The only disappointing aspect of the evening was the size of the audience. I feel sure everyone who was there enjoyed the show and hopefully next time Karine's in town there will be a much better turnout.

Keep up to date with Karine's music and tour over on her official website.

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