Friday 21 September 2012

Chess at the Library

Chess Tournament
Middlesbrough Reference Library

Middlesbrough Library

The venue of our latest chess tournament was the splendid Middlesbrough Reference Library. The event had three main aspects.

1) To celebrate 100 years of the Middlesbrough Library. Built the same year as the Titanic, it has lasted somewhat longer.

2) To continue our series of Mike Closs Memorial tournaments. This was the third such annual event.

3) To celebrate my 25 years in business (more events will follow over the course of the year).

The ubiquitous Sara Dennis was responsible for bringing the tournament to the library and her trademark touches were in evidence right from the start.

Refreshments: 'Lyrics' and arrangement by Sara Dennis!

The day started with a talk by me featuring a game played against Mike at a Hartlepool Rapidplay event (a French Defence, of course).

Then it was straight into tournament action, with a double-rounded '5-minute' contest. The action was fast, furious and wonderful (and occasionally blunderful).

Julian Allinson v David Wise

Mike Creaney v David Baillie

Dave Edmunds v John Garnett

Julian, the 2010 Memorial Champion, knows how to concentrate

Peter Harker

2011 Champion - Dave - in deep thought

Peter centralising

David Wise v Brian Whitaker

A Knightmare of a checkmate

How is it that David Wise has an angelic glow?

There it is again!

Peter v Jay: former junior v current junior

Battle of the Redcar Daves

Junior Yash takes on Ian Elcoate
The tournament took a break for lunch time and then we were treated to an excellent and very instructive talk by former British Senior Chess Champion David Smith, who demonstrated one of his games against Mike.

A Sicilian Defence - no surprise!

Julian helped with the demonstration
Then it was back into battle with the last two rounds of the tournament.

Yash v Jay: battle of the juniors

Elmwood club mates John Garnett and Yash
I had invited some of our top local juniors and they enjoyed the experience. I invited some of my former juniors too and it was great to see them again. I am hoping to meet up with magnificent people from the past during my 25th year celebrations.

After the tournament had finished, it was time for the quiz. This time it featured photos, names and puzzles all relevant to the year 1912, so we could keep in mind the library's anniversary year.

Former juniors Beth Cochran and Peter Harker

Oi! Are you juniors really taking that quiz seriously...!?

Julian never stops concentrating


Some answers are going in there
Tournament Scores

10.5/12: Julian Allinson

8.5/12: David Wise

8/12: Ian Elcoate, John Garnett

7/12: Dave Edmunds

6.5/12: Dave Baillie

5.5/12: Peter Harker, Mike Creaney

5/12: Yash Gulve, Brian Whitaker

2/12: Jay Singh

Congratulations to Julian, on winning the tournament!

The worthy winner receives his trophy

The quiz champion was Dave Baillie, with an excellent score of 21 out of 28.

Thank you to everyone who took part and to Sara plus everyone else who helped behind the scenes. We'll be back soon with more special events.

Previous Events

1st Memorial Tournament

2nd Memorial Tournament

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