Wednesday 22 August 2012

One Silver Needle

One Silver Needle
Arthur Alligood

One Silver Needle delivers ten songs from three related genres, offering a blend of country, Americana and folk.

Arthur Alligood (pronounced 'Alley-good') features on acoustic guitar and vocals throughout the album and the rest of the band come and go, depending on the pace and theme of each track. The musicianship is accomplished, offering a solid base for the story of each song to develop (the themes of heartache, drifters and unrequited love are all well to the fore, as one would imagine). The tunes are generally catchy, especially on the faster numbers, with the guitar work on Why'd You Let Me Go Cold being a particular highlight.

Track List

Shouldn't Be That Hard
We Had a Mind To Run
Bring My Heart Out
One Silver Needle
Darkness to Light
Go On Back
Why'd You Let Me Go Cold
Coming For the Heart of Me
Right Time Rain

The tempo changes, song to song; I prefer the uptempo tracks such as Shouldn't Be That Hard and Go On Back to the slower ballads (OchlockoneeRight Time Rain) simply because I prefer the Americana sound.

This is Arthur Alligood's fourth full length studio CD (there's also been an EP and a live album) so there's plenty more to explore from the back catalogue of this original storyteller.

Photo © Stephen Alligood

For further details, please head for the official Arthur Alligold website.

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