Sunday 18 December 2011

London Highlights: 1

As usual, I crammed in as much as possible during my recent trips to London.

The British Library had two interesting new exhibitions: one about Charles Dickens and the other about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

I always like to find the time to visit Trafalgar Square. There's usually something going on, no matter what time of year or day it may be.

Lots of people were enjoying a festive visit and the Olympic countdown was a prominent feature.

The National Portrait Gallery is always worth a visit. There was a small display about Charles Dickens and in the same room I saw, up close for the first time, the famous portraits of the Bronte sisters by their brother, Patrick Branwell Bronte.

There was a fine display of portraits featuring comedians too, often catching them in unusual poses.

Then it was on to the Apollo Theatre to see Wicked.

Wicked is a very clever prequel to The Wizard of Oz and having seen the latter earlier this year I was keen to see if the prequel would hold up well against the original story.

Without giving too much away, the basic plot charts the development of two school girls, showing how they end up being the respective lead Witches of Oz.

It's a spectacular show, full of songs, special effects and, most importantly, an excellent script which really does do justice to the whole thing.

It's funny, moving and above all, thoroughly entertaining. For further details, click your heels three times to be taken to the official website (...or if that doesn't work, just click here).

It was an excellent start to December's series of trips to 'theatreland'. There would be three more before my time in London was through...

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