Friday 4 November 2011

Historic York

Just before seeing Tara Busch followed by John Foxx and The Maths, I took a look around historic York.

Here's a few photos...

Clifford's Tower was originally part of York Castle. The site has a long history; back in 1068, the first castle was built there on the orders of William the Conqueror.

Perched on a hill, it grants an impressive view of the city and it would not have been easy to attack.

It's possible to have a look around Clifford's Tower (for a small fee).

An impression of how the castle used to look.

The top of tower offers an excellent view of the city of York.

St. Mary's church and York Minster can be seen, towering above the rooftops.

The Tower has a very dark side too. There was a massacre of the Jewish community on the site back in 1190.

St. Mary's church is very close to York Minster. It could date from as far back as 1020, but this is unconfirmed.

York Minster is a very impressive building. It costs £9.00 to enter, but the ticket remains valid for a year.

The detail inside the Minster is extraordinary.

I lit a candle while I was there, for absent friends.

Emperor Constantine still sits outside the Minster.
Authentic Roman column.

More familiar sights awaited me back at the hotel...

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