Thursday 13 October 2011

Two Man Gentleman Band - Kickstarter Appeal

I have only seen half of the Two Man Gentleman Band and that was when Andy Bean became an honorary Wiyo for the tour earlier this year. Andy also performed on the EP which accompanied the tour.

Andy Bean - Honorary Wiyo

Following on from the successful campaign by The Wiyos (reported here yesterday), The Two Man Gentleman Band - Andy Bean and Fuller Condon - have launched a similar Kickstarter appeal to fund their next project. Here they are to explain it for themselves...

Head over to their Kickstarter page for further details regarding the campaign. You will be able to peruse the different amount of goodies on offer to suit the level of pledge.

Andy Bean - multitalented!

There is talk of a UK tour in early 2013, which will hopefully come to pass. Meanwhile, you can keep up to date with all of the latest news over at the official band website.

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