Saturday 13 August 2011

New Twist For The Wiyos

Regular visitors to Marsh Towers will know that I enjoy the music of The Wiyos, a feeling backed up by my report on their concert at The Cluny (and here) plus my review of their most recent recording.

Their forthcoming CD - 'Twist' - is in the pipeline, based loosely on 'The Wizard of Oz'. Some of the new songs were given a run out at The Cluny and they sounded fantastic. But this time, The Wiyos need your help! I'll let them explain it for themselves...

There are numerous levels available, with tempting goodies on offer. At the time of writing, the pledges already made take the project up to 89% of the required funding.

A UK tour is on the cards for late 2012 if 'Twist' becomes a reality, so hopefully the desired amount will be raised before the deadline.

Follow the latest news on the official Wiyos website.

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