Sunday 3 July 2011

The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz
London Palladium

Show time again! Last weekend I found myself bound for the famous London Palladium, off to see 'The Wizard of Oz'. It was my first visit to the Palladium but of course we used to watch 'Sunday Night at the Palladium' on TV many years ago. It's an easy theatre to find, being situated just a couple of minutes walk from the Oxford Street tube station.

Before the show, there was just time to take in a few sights. We had a stroll around the outside of the Tower of London (we needed more time to justify going inside; it's on the list for next time).

Here are a few snaps from around the Tower. Some of them show the remarkable contrast between buildings old and new.

The lions were on guard. A closer view reveals the great detail they enjoy.

A Beefeater. The origins of the name remain uncertain (unless you believe Stanley Holloway, who concluded one of his famous monologues with the line, 'Oi!...Keep your B--- feet out of the way!').

I'm not sure why there was a crane on top of the building. It seems a long way to go to store them at night.

The famous Tower Bridge.

Traitor's Gate!

London is incredibly photogenic. Items of interest can be found virtually everywhere.

On to the Palladium. Upper Circle - that's us!

...but before the show, there was just time for a quick look around Carnaby Street.

What the...?!

That's all folks! No more photos allowed. The show itself was spectacular. I'm sure you all the know story and it's fair to say that this version is very faithful to the famous film. Danielle Hope, winner of the BBC contest to find a Dorothy, has settled well into the role. Michael Crawford makes a fine Wizard, even though his stage time isn't as great as for most of the other cast.

The revolving stage is put to very good use (especially when it becomes the yellow brick road) and the rapid set changes are extremely well realised.

Yes, it's a great show and well worth the effort of travelling up to London to see.

Further details can be found on the official website.

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