Thursday 26 May 2011

Third Middlesbrough Literary Festival

The month of June will bring with it the 2011 Middlesbrough Literary Festival, the third in the highly successful series.

According to the website, 'This the 3rd annual Literary Festival is destined to be thought provoking, funny and imaginative – full of stories, dreams, creative workshops and experiences'. If it's anything like the first two Festivals, then the description will definitely be accurate.

The Festival runs from 4-24 June and is absolutely packed with top quality talks, workshops and performances. Don't just take my word for it; for the full listings for each genre, please visit the official website (where you can even vote for the name for the Festival Owl) and/or take a look at the interactive brochure. You can also join the Festival Facebook page.

Meanwhile, whet you appetite with a quick look at what went on last year.

Marsh Towers will report on various parts of the Festival, so stay tuned. Better still, get out there, support the Festival and see for yourselves how good it is going to be.

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