Wednesday 18 May 2011

CSC Training Day

Chess - An Introductory Course for Teachers

Date: Wednesday 29 June

Venue: Middlesbrough City Learning Centre, Acklam Grange School, Lodore Grove, Middlesbrough, TS5 8PB

Times: 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.

Cost: £50 per person (Refreshments and lunch will be provided)

Do you love playing chess and want to help others improve their game? Or do you know little about the game but want to find a new career or further your PSD? Then learn how to teach chess! There will be a great opportunity to take part in an introductory course for chess trainers in Middlesbrough.

The course is run by Chess in Schools and Communities, a registered charity that work in eight Teesside schools and were recently featured on BBC Breakfast. The course is aimed at teachers, teaching assistants, parents or anyone planning on becoming a professional chess trainer or who wants to learn how to play and teach the game.

The course will consist of the following modules:

* Benefits of chess

* A brief history of chess & chess champions

* Overview of Junior chess in the UK

* Primary school CSC chess syllabus - an overview

* Cross-curricular links

* Techniques for teaching chess

* Chess sub-games and variants

* Running a school chess club

* Resources and materials

* Pieces, moves, captures, checks and checkmates – practical

If you are interested in attending either course, please fill in the online form at or fill in the enclosed form and post to: Chess in Schools & Communities, 44 Baker Street, London, W1U 7RT.

Payment can either be made via cheque made payable to: Chess in Schools & Communities, via BACS with the following details: Bank – Natwest, Acc Name: Chess in Schools & Communities. Acc no – 39520331, Sort Code – 60-00-01, or via Paypal to

Chess: An Introductory Course For Teachers

Booking Form

I would like to attend the training day at the Middlesbrough City Learning Centre on Wednesday 29 June 2011.

Name: _______________________________





Please indicate which of the following three options applies to you:

I enclose a cheque for £50

I have paid via BACS transfer

I am already involved with one of the CSC Teesside schools and claim free entry to the Training Day

Please return to Chess in Schools and Communities 44 Baker St London W1U 7RT

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