Monday 7 March 2011

World Book Night: Middlesbrough

World Book Night

As I mentioned last week, Middlesbrough's MIMA was hosting an event for World Book Night.
As expected, it was a very enjoyable celebratory evening. Books were given away and the entertainment was free also. We were fortunate in being presented with a large number of very talented singers, musicians, writers and poets over the course of two packed hours.

I didn't catch all of the artistes' names, but I caught their likenesses...

Ray Legg, Andy Broderick and Mimi O'Malley started the evening's entertainment in fine style.

Daniel Pettitt, no stranger to Marsh Towers, treated us to two of his latest songs which are set to appear on his forthcoming new CD.

Dan was then joined by Sara Dennis, co-creator of the event and another Marsh Towers favourite.

Sara sang her latest number, the powerful 'The Crying Song' (which can be heard over at Sara's website).

Katie Metcalfe, of Beautiful Scruffiness, was followed in the world of verse by...

...Philip Liddell...

...John Glasper...

... and Christopher Stewart.

Dave Brunskill reintroduced the musical aspect of the evening with an accomplished set of folk songs.

Jules Clare provided a number of unusual poems, interspersed with equally unusual tales about his own life. One particularly memorable episode featured a five-bus trip to Hexham to meet a girl who stood him up, due to...problems with her bunions. Surely there's enough material there for a full novel.

The entertainment came full circle with the original trio making a welcome return to play us out in style.

It was a memorable and inspirational evening. Well done to all concerned.

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