Monday 8 November 2010

Launches For Great Folk

Exciting news for music fans in North East England! A number of performances, combined with CD and book launches, will be taking place in the very near future.

I spoke recently to Sara Dennis, who will be launching her debut album, 'Time and Tide' this month.

Tell me about the launches - I understand you have three events coming up...?

The first one is at Saltburn at the Folk Club, which seems quite fitting really. That's on the 12th of November and it's myself with my album, Daniel Pettitt's album and his book and Andy Broderick and Ray Legg with their album. So basically we're all going to do a small set each and launch the albums and hopefully sell a few copies.

Sara Dennis will launch her debut CD, 'Time and Tide'

The second one is at the library and that's part of November's Worldjam Festival. We called it Worldjam because we're trying to do diverse events and in the middle of that we've got the album launch in the Reference Library. As you know, it's a great venue - a wonderful venue; I like to put events in the Reference Library because it's just such a wonderful place. There's great acoustics as well, so it's good for music.

Daniel Pettitt's new book will be on sale at the launches

(Read my interview with Daniel here)

The last gig is the Arts Bank event in Saltburn, arranged by the Saltburn Folk Club. I'm sort of first on - you start at the bottom, don't you! - but I don't mind that. Then there's Simon Stephenson and The Young'uns; they're very good. They are a three-piece a cappella band, they sing traditional folk songs and they're very, very good.

Andy Broderick (right) and Ray Legg

Summing up...

November 12th: Marine Hotel, Saltburn at 8 pm
November 18th: Reference Library at 7 pm
November 26th: ArtsBank, Saltburn at 7:30 pm

Coming soon...a full review of 'Time and Tide' as part of a major interview with Sara Dennis. Meanwhile, there's more information on Sara's excellent new website.

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