Sunday 5 September 2010

Flamborough, Filey and Scarborough

At the start of the Summer, there seemed to be so much time stretching ahead. Now, as the schools return to normality and the nights begin to draw in with increasing rapidity, the ocean of sunny time and carefree days has come to an end - for this year, at least.

Here's a few photos from my travels around the Scarborough region.

We went for lots of long walks. Scarborough Castle can be spotted from a variety of angles along the way.

To The Lighthouse!

This is the Lighthouse at Flamborough Head, built in 1806 and with a candle power of over 3.5 million (I wonder how they tested that...!?). I last visited the lighthouse over 30 years ago.

The impressive Chalk Tower, built in 1674, was an earlier Flamborough Lighthouse.

The local birds grew big after eating too many chips.

Chalk cliffs are another interesting feature of Flamborough.

Possibly an early lighthouse design with slightly less candle power than the newest one.

Another view of the old Chalk Tower - this time from across the golf course.

A convenient stopping point on the way to Scarborough.

In a secluded woodland area, we had a chance encounter with a kingfisher.

We watched it fish for about 20 minutes. Such a tiny and fast bird.

Scarborough fast approaches!

Nice day for it.

A good view of Scarborough, with the castle towering above the jigsaw puzzle of dwellings.

Look forward, not back...

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