Friday 13 August 2010

Mike Closs Memorial Site Update

The Mike Closs Memorial site is already building up very nicely and it's only been going for a few days.

I am delighted to be able to present this excellent photo, from the archive of Guisborough chess supremo Stuart Morgan and digitised by Steve Henderson.

Photo © Stuart Morgan/Steve Henderson

This photo was taken in Spring 1995. Mike is in typical pose, reaching for the e-pawn.

The audience consists of Gawain Jones (now a Grandmaster, England International and easily one of Britain's best players), Christopher Bond (a talented and loyal Guisborough junior player) and Mike Welch (the famous 'Mega', now deceased. More on Mega here: )

I don't know what Chris is up to these days (get in touch if you are reading this) but clearly a lot has happened to the cast since the photo was taken.

The other part of the site I'd like to draw your attention to is the superb video by Peter Lalic, who is in charge of the 'Game of the Month' section. We plan to present more of Mike's best games in this fashion.

Peter's site is definitely worth seeing in full. The quality of the content is extremely good and more videos are being added all of the time.

Please remember to send me games, photos and stories of Mike Closs. You can contact me in all of the usual ways and/or through the site itself:

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