Thursday 17 June 2010

London: Day 4

Where to today? Let's start with the zoo...

It's one long wonderful walk of surprises and delights.

Shredded Wheat is a popular breakfast with our ancestors.

What's Ronnie Wood doing there?

The Outback recreated an authentic-looking piece of Australia.

The aquariums were fascinating too.

A rare sighting of the mysterious hand-fish.

Big cats!

Locusts galore. Don't let them see the green of your salad.

There's no cause for a lamma.

Butterfly World arrived just in time, because it started pouring down and I needed shelter.

Enjoying a plum.

This incredible creature doesn't have a mouth and lives just for one day.
It was as big as my hand.

A brand new one.

With that sort of face-furniture, he looks like some of the generals we had during the Crimean War.

This structure heralded another selection of birds.

And to finish off a splendid morning - a collection of fine owls.

Next up - The Museum of London. It is much smaller than The British Museum but has some very interesting items. There's a good presentation on the fire of London, complete with a model town which lights up as the fire spreads.

Cromwell's death mask.

An oven - possibly similar to the one where the trouble started.

It was a bit dark so the photos didn't all turn out too well.

The story of British culture through the ages was a running theme. One display featured some old friends...

Meanwhile, quite close to the Museum...

The busy day concluded with a trip to The Fortune Theatre, to see 'The Woman in Black'.

A spine chiller with a cast of two (not counting the ghost), it drew genuine screams of terror from some of the audience. I nearly cried out myself towards the end, but that was through cramp rather than fear. The seats provided little leg room and my left thigh decided to protest at the lengthy walks over the course of the week.

I was there for the 8.00 p.m. show.

And then it was time to plan for day 5 - the last one with time put aside for sightseeing...

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