Sunday 13 December 2009

Live From Olympia....

Result just in...

The battle of the English players Michael Adams and Nigel Short ended in a draw after 43 moves.

The start of the game


The first move is made by a junior guest -
and Adams is pleased with the choice

Adams - Short
Final Position

(All photos in this post are courtesy of John Saunders)


  1. Hi Sean. Just found your blog, and happy to have. Jealous of your sojourn to London, and haven't yet divined your base of operations. You have the sense of humour of a man from the north country, if yer English (I've known a few of those blokes). You and I have a few things in common: free-lance writing and editing, chess, and Lucinda Williams, who I have been a fan of since the late '80s. I'll be stopping by regularly, and presently waiting for more stories and pics of the London Classic. Cheers! -- Ken H. in Caleefornyea

  2. Thank you, Ken! We do indeed have lots in common.

    There was a report on a Lu concert back in 2007 which you may or may not have discovered:

    North East England was an accurate guess! We have snow here today.


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