Saturday 19 December 2009

Chess Characters

Here's some of the chess celebrities I saw and/or met at the London Chess Classic...

Mike Sheehan - book seller and Englund Gambit fan

'Egghead' CJ - the current ECF President

An interview with CJ should appear in a CHESS Magazine near you soon

Julian Hodgson, Malcolm Pein and John Nunn in the V.I.P. room

Petra Korchnoi

Viktor Korchnoi - Guest of Honour at the London Chess Classic

Daniel King on the attack!

Mark Crowther - Mr TWIC! - hard at work in the press room

Discussing the Classic and other chessy things with two of my
interview subjects - Mike Basman and Stewart Reuben

David Norwood - 'the man I made famous' by losing
to his brilliant sacrifical attack
in Walsall, 1992.
He doesn't play much chess these days, prefering to
be rich
and living on an island in the Bahamas.
Oh, Grandmaster - where did it all go wrong?!

Dirk Jan Ten Geuzendam of New in Chess
The King of chess interviewers!

Helpmate in five moves!

The problem was composed by Les Blackstock

No chess trip to London would be complete without spending
with Jimmy Adams, Ray Cannon and Mark Huba

Ray getting ready to play Stuart Conquest

Emma Bentley

Emma has many chess achievements to her name, including her famous victory
at the Susan Polgar World Open Championship for Girls (Under-11 Section) in
Las Vegas in 2007. Find out more about her chess activities over at:

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