Sunday 22 November 2009

Ian Siegal at The Arc

Ian Siegal
The Arc
19 November 2009

Blues-man Ian Siegal put on a great show in Stockton-on-Tees last week, playing a storming set lasting around two hours and 20 minutes.

His new CD, 'Broadside', is attracting lots of attention and he played plenty of the new songs for our entertainment.

My full review of the show will hopefully be in a magazine some time soon. Meanwhile, here's a few photos from an excellent evening.

The Arc is a cosy venue. This was the stage set-up before the band emerged.

The trio in full swing

Ian Siegal (centre) is flanked by drummer Nikolaj Bjerre and bassist Andy Graham

Nikolaj Bjerre and Andy Graham - posing while signing the new CD

Ian Siegal signing my copy of 'Broadside'

Keep an eye on his website for future tour dates and further information:

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