Monday 2 November 2009

Castles, Cannon and Coast

I recently spent several days walking in Northumberland and enjoying the mixture of natural beauty and history. Here's a few photos.

The Gardens of Alnwick begin with the wonderful cascade

Alnwick Castle is an impressive sight.

Parts of the Harry Potter films were shot there,
although there wasn't too much wizardry in evidence.

Behold - the invisible sword!

Harry Hotspur - famous many years before Harry Potter

It would not be easy to storm this castle. Well, not until the age of powered flight anyway.

The Treehouse - complete with rope bridges and cafe

Bamburgh Castle - another very impressive and well maintained sight

Stag Rocks

Only big waves could roll these

The gun emplacement is in a poor state now but it would have kept Adolf at bay.
Actually, it would even have kept him off the bay completely.

More Photos to follow...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos!
    Those invisible swords are the worse kind...


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