Sunday 4 October 2009

Andy Fairweather Low at The Customs House

Andy Fairweather Low and the Low Riders
The Customs House, South Shields

A good time was had by all at the Andy Fairweather Low concert. With four decades of great songs to choose from, he and The Low Riders played a great set lasting just over two hours.

My review should be appearing in a music magazine very soon, so instead of repeating it all here there's a few photos instead.

South Shields, just outside the Customs House

The Venue

Continuing the nautical theme: The Merchant Navy Memorial

I only managed to take one quick snap during the
show but it gives an indication of the stage set-up

Andy appeared in the foyer shortly after the show to sign and chat

Here's me asking when the follow-up to 'Sweet Soulful Music' will be out.
He said the music is finished and he's currently working in the lyrics.


  1. How on earth do you keep getting to meet these people?!
    Did he sing If Paradise (was half as nice)...? I have a version of Aztec Camera doing that, which is how I initially heard of Andy Fairweather Low.

  2. It's all down to timing and opportunity!

    He did indeed sing 'Paradise...' He has had 40 years in the business so had quite an extensive catalogue from which to choose songs.

    He is a very genuine and friendly guy.


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