Sunday 30 August 2009

Sixth Sense

Sixth Sense
George IV Public House and Comedy Club


I was fortunate in that this convention, 'celebrating 25 years of Colin Baker as the Doctor' was on during my recent trip to London.

Fantom Films have an established record of enjoyable events. With tickets limited to 60, their conventions have an intimate feel about them. There were several Q&A panels throughout the day, followed by signing sessions. Several of the guests were making their convention debuts, so the whole day had a very fresh feel to it.

The format of the day worked very well. Sometimes at conventions, one has to miss bits of the panels in order to attend the signings but here there was no clash of interests as the signings had their own time slots between the panels. A very sensible arrangement, but it probably wouldn't work, time-wise, for conventions dealing with greater numbers.

The venue was fine and there were plenty of eating places, coffee shops and the like very close by.

The main focus of attention fell on the various parts of 'Trial of a Timelord' and 'Timelash'.

The 'Trial of a Timelord parts 1-4' panel

Gordon Warnecke and Michael Craig

Gordon Warnecke (Tusa in 'Trial of a Timelord 7-8)

Michael Craig (Travers in 'Trial of a Timelord 9-12')

Billy McColl (Humker in 'Trial of a Timelord 1-4')

Sion Tudor Owen (Tandrell in 'Trial of a Timelord 1-4')

Adam Blackwood (Balazar in 'Trial of a Timelord 1-4')
He lives is Chiswick and still occasionally wears
his yellow boiler suit costume from the show!

Colin Baker - always great value and very entertaining.

Dominic Glynn (music composer)

Pennant Roberts (Director) signing a book for me...upside down!

Oh, yes - most amusing!

Jeananne Crowley (Vena in 'Timelash')

Dominic Glynn

Meeting the Sixth Doctor

Glen McCoy (writer of 'Timelash')

Happy Birthday to the Sixth Doctor!

The 'Timelash' panel

Maggie Stables (Evelyn Smythe in the Big Finish audio plays)

Robert Ashby (The Borad in 'Timelash')

India Fisher (Charley Pollard in the Big Finish audio plays)

I've known Si Hunt a long time but this is the first time
I've ever met him (that's time travel for you)

For details of other events by Fantom Films, please visit:

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