Thursday 2 April 2009

Further Reading

Those who can't find enough to read at Marsh Towers should.....

1) Pop along to the latest posting at Mongoose Times

2) Pick up a copy of the latest issue of CHESS Magazine (April 2009) for my interviews with IM Bill Hartston and GM Nigel Davies. Better still, susbscribe; there's more interviews and articles in the pipeline.


  1. Hi Sean,

    Enjoy your reviews very much as well as the articles in Chess. Just got back into the game with three reasonable successes at hartlepool, Blackpool and Huddersfield. Are you not playing these days? If not, why not? Kevin Winter

  2. Hello Kevin,

    Thank you - I'm glad you like the articles and it's good to hear you are playing again.

    I am not playing regularly at the moment, for various reasons, but one should never say never.


Comments? Please keep it clean!