Friday 10 October 2008

London Tournament: News Update

Further to the earlier news regarding a new London chess tournament, as reported here:

..and here:

I have received further information from GM Keene, in the form of his follow-up letter to a meeting with Kate Hoey.


If I may--it was great to speak to you last week.

As I hoped, I have now-via the BRAIN TRUST CHARITY-of which I am director, secured significant sponsorship for a grandmaster chess tournament to run from August 8-18 in london 2009. This will include former world championship contenders, the reigning EU champion and probably the British Champion. In other words, a world class event!

What I would like to add to this would be a mass open competition in a suitable venue where anyone could play, but where we would encourage ethnic variety, the very young, the very old and the physically handicapped to compete. As you know, being deaf, blind or even seriously immobilised is no barrier to playing chess.

I would like to call this the Mayor's Trophy-as you suggested-and the next step would be to secure a suitable venue and perhaps get some help with finding a philanthropic sponsor to cover the costs and some prizes. I would suggest that the weekend of August 15 and 16 would be the right time to go for--just as the main event is reaching its climax at Simpsons in the Strand - the traditional home of London chess.

I wuld very much like to progress this idea with you and look forward to your response.'

Exciting times! More news will be reported here as soon as it is available.

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